Breaking the Code on TEAM PERFORMANCE

How can you channel and nurture behaviour in teams to achieve outstanding performance?

Learn how Team Ei can help your people perform better, from our colleagues at Ei World, the co-creators of the concept of Team Emotional Intelligence.

How can you channel and nurture behaviour in teams to achieve outstanding performance?

Learn how Team Ei can help your people perform better, from our colleagues at Ei World, the co-creators of the concept of Team Emotional Intelligence.

Team Coaching Zone Podcast Episode #059: Team Emotional Intelligence: Cracking the Code on High Performing Teams with Dr. Vanessa Druskat & Dr. Steven Wolff

Join Dr. Krister Lowe and show guests–Dr. Vanessa Druskat and Dr. Steven Wolff—co-authors of the Team Emotional Intelligence Survey for this episode of The Team Coaching Zone Podcast.

Drs. Vanessa Druskat and. Steven B. Wolff have developed a theory of group emotional intelligence that extends the theory of individual emotional intelligence to the group level.

In this episode Dr. Druskat and Dr. Wolff take listeners on a journey from their early days in graduate school conducting research together on teams, to collaborating with Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis on scholarship in the area of team emotional intelligence, to publishing an article in the Harvard Business Review on “Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups,” to creating the Team Emotional Intelligence Survey, through some great stories working with real teams using the Team Emotional Intelligence framework and survey, to training team practitioners in the Team Ei instrument.

Specific themes covered in this episode include the 20 years of research behind team emotional intelligence; the team fundamentals, team emotional intelligence norms and social capital outputs that comprise team emotional intelligence and The Team Emotional intelligence Survey; lessons learned applying Team Ei with real world teams; the critical role of norms in facilitating team effectiveness; what differentiates good performing teams from high performing teams and more.

This is a rich episode that listeners are sure to listen to over and over again. All team coaches should be familiar with this important body of knowledge that cracks the code on what drives high performing teams. This is definitely an episode that you won’t want to miss!

Listen Now

Team Coaching Zone Podcast #029: Team Emotional Intelligence: The Essential Role of Team Emotion in High Performance

Join Dr. Krister Lowe and leading organizational coach Geetu Bharwaney, Managing Director of Ei World and a thought leader in the areas of Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Resilience and Team Emotional Intelligence—for this episode of The Team Coaching Zone Podcast.

Geetu has been using the Team Emotional Intelligence Survey since 2012 and equips other team coaches in its effective use.

In this thought-provoking episode of the podcast, Geetu shares her insights on a number of themes including: team emotions and team emotional intelligence; the role of emotion in high performance teams; 4 common challenges that arise in teams that reveal underlying emotional dynamics; Geetu’s 5 element approach to coaching teams using a team emotional intelligence framework; The Team Emotional Intelligence Survey; her recently published book on “Emotional Resilience: Know What It Takes to Be Agile, Adaptable and Always at Your Best;” and differentiating emotional resilience from emotional intelligence.  Geetu also shares a number of compelling stories, insights and lessons learned from her practice coaching teams.

This is a rich episode brimming over with value and lessons learned that both new as well as experienced team coaches will want to listen to multiple times!