Dr. Geetu Bharwaney, D.Sc.

Founder & CEO

Transforming Leaders with Emotional Intelligence

Dr. Geetu Bharwaney is the Founder and CEO of Ei World, specializing in strategic imperatives and purposeful change. With a rich background in collaborating with CEOs and senior leaders, Geetu’s mission is to elevate performance by integrating mind, body, spirit, and emotional development.

Driving Performance through Emotional Intelligence

Geetu’s influence spans diverse sectors, driven by her passion for enhancing performance through emotional intelligence, strategic self-awareness, inner leadership, and team effectiveness. Her roles in client projects are multifaceted—Executive Coach, Team Coach, CEO Coach, and Project Lead—aimed at rethinking work processes to unlock true potential.

Proven Expertise and Impact

With 33 years of experience, Geetu has helped create high-performing teams across industries such as pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, technology, and more. She is recognized globally by clients, including FTSE 100 and Fortune 50 companies, for her evidence-based coaching that yields rapid and lasting results.

“Emotional Intelligence is at the core of the Human Being”
Dr Geetu Bharwaney.

Dr. Geetu Bharwaney is not just a coach; she is a catalyst for transformative change, helping leaders and teams achieve unparalleled success through the power of emotional intelligence.

A Personal Mission of Balance and Renewal

A cancer survivor of 18 years, Geetu’s commitment to balancing performance and renewal is deeply personal. She embodies the strategies she advocates, balancing a dynamic professional life with personal passions like singing in a musical choir and parenting her two young children.

Author and Keynote Speaker

Geetu has contributed extensively to literature on Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, and Team Effectiveness. She authored “Emotional Resilience” (Pearson, 2015) and is a sought-after Keynote Speaker, sharing her insights and expertise with global audiences.

Proven Client Impact ...

Qualifications and Professional Training

Geetu qualified in Coaching at Roehampton Institute, with a Diploma in Workplace Counselling and was one of the first qualified professionals to provide 1:1 counselling support in workplace settings (pre-dating the emergence of the coaching profession).

She is a member and Global Assessor of coaching programmes with the EMCC, one of the leading coaching bodies who focus on the application and practice of an evidence-basis in coaching. She supervises coaches in regular peer supervision both in her own company and for groups of internal coaches in global organisations. 

She is a Chartered Fellow with the CIPD with over 30 years’ experience as an HR Professional. The CIPD is a leading institute for HR professionals. 

Her masters thesis during her MSc in Psychology of Health (City University) focused on a study of 109 independent school leaders and their Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Health; awarded distinction.

She was awarded a Doctor of Science degree honoris causa by Aston University in 2016, her alma mater where she studied International Business and Modern Languages (graduated 1989).

As an internationally-respected and recognised thought leader and speaker, Geetu has published numerous papers and chapters on emotional intelligence.

  • Active practitioner member of the Ei Consortium, founded by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis to advance research and the application of emotional intelligence in organizations.
  • Hogan qualified, trained in Behavioural Coaching, and qualified in a range of emotional intelligence assessment tools.
  • Trains other professionals in two accreditation programmes offered globally – Team Emotional Intelligence Survey and Emotional Resilience Awareness Survey.
  • Certified OKR Coach (WorkBoard).
  • Qualified Scrum Master.
  • Qualified in Voice Dialogue work.
  • Licensed practitioner in the Executive Arts family of maps for transformational conversations, created by Jim Ewing.

Contact Geetu at gbharwaney@eiworld.org or reserve a time for an initial consultation.

Ei World is a long-standing, recognised leader in the field of emotional intelligence, with over 31 years in executive and team development, working across 45 countries to help companies obtain a competitive advantage by coaching emotional intelligence and team effectiveness. In Ei World, Geetu leads a team of executive coaches and organisational effectiveness consultants for over 27 years. This work is in service of helping client teams to experience a step change in how they function.

Ei World’s specialism is the advanced application of emotional intelligence, in leaders and teams, including the awareness and development of emotional resilience. In Ei World, we deploy a holistic, tailored team coaching approach, which incorporates thought-provoking assignments for the team that challenge a team to reflect and move on from self-limitations, assumptions and thinking patterns. 

** ‘Emotional Resilience: how to be agile, adaptable and always perform at your best’ (Pearson: London) is a definitive, comprehensive and practical guide that deeply explores the subject of emotional intelligence.