Vanessa is a world expert on group emotional intelligence. Together with Steven Wolff, she co-authored a Harvard Business Review article on Group Emotional Intelligence which brought the topic of Team Emotional Intelligence to wider attention.
Vanessa is Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Management at the Whittemore School of Business & Economics at the University of New Hampshire. Prior to joining the faculty of the Whittemore School, she spent eight years on the faculty of the Department of Organisational Behaviour at Case Western Reserve University.
Vanessa award winning research examines how teams and leaders effectively manage complex interpersonal and coordination challenges in cross-functional, cross-cultural and self-managing work environments – which always involves aspects of emotional intelligence.
Vanessa’s research has appeared in prestigious journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Sloan Management Review, and Small Group Research. She was the lead editor of the book Linking Emotional Intelligence and Performance at Work (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006).
Professor Druskat is an engaging speaker who conducts seminars around the world on the topics of emotional intelligence and work team effectiveness for leaders and teams in a wide variety of public and private organisations ranging from global companies to local educational establishments.
Vanessa is a founder member of the Ei Consortium.