Have you noticed fluctuations in your mood and behaviours? Perhaps your colleague is more impatient that usual, and your sibling is being especially sarcastic, but, have you stopped to think that it actually could be you elevating your own stress? Sensing when something is wrong in our bodies physically comes naturally to us, but when it comes to emotions, most of us just don’t have to right experience to identify what and why we feel something. Much like when you are diagnosed with a cold or a fever, emotional imbalances can drastically affect your work.
Do we all need personality development tips?
Many of us either become too swallowed by emotion or dismissive over our failures and misgivings. The way to overcome this is by realising that you could substantially improve the life you are having now if you decide to change. If you are unhappy or bored, do something about it – holding yourself in a place of fear of an outcome is counterproductive to any sort of victory you may have.
The way in which you receive and give to others, is the first core indicators of spotting abnormal fluctuations in mood or personality. Everybody goes through good and bad days, but we are looking for a mentality that is positive more often than not (even if your situation is worsening). Learning how to stabilise your self and neutralise harsh emotions is the next step to observing an ideal mental attitude. Watch this Ted Talk on Happiness and emotion:
Ei Test – What is it?

An Ei (or Emotional Intelligence) Test is a series of questions that gets you thinking, pondering and querying your own actions, led by your emotions. It calculates how aware you are of your emotions in everyday scenarios and how you deal with your thoughts, feelings and actions. Read more about Emotional Intelligence on this Blog.
Testing yourself can reveal unconscious behaviours and give you a more informed in-depth look at yourself. This leads to you changing and modifying your reactions and emotions accordingly. Remember, even though you may not be shouting or speaking in a haughty tone, your emotions are often conveyed towards the recipient and people can still react as if you have had a more extreme reaction. Through body language or awareness, make moves to minimise a negative approach when speaking to colleagues or your partner.
How using a Happy scale can accelerate your Personality Development.
One way to increase you happy scale is to first increase you professional development as this expands your experiences and knowledge. This insight from an article on Business insider also recorded that 48% of workers feel underappreciated. These people are evidently not professionally developing in the direction they want. Read more about how you can increase work place happiness here.
I disagree, and think it’s more to do with inherent instinctual feelings, bubbling underneath the surface. Using a happy scale to track emotions and regularly tracking the patterns of your behaviours lets you learn from mistakes. This will take you further in my opinion. Bringing your own happiness and joy through an organised system, readies your mind and reorders it into thinking about situations in a constructive way. More evidence for the mind acting as a thriving organised system here.
How to maintain happiness to improve your daily Happy Scale Score.
The main distinction with a happy and unhappy person is consistency (discipline with their environment or reactions); organisation of thoughts and feelings; innate self-worth and gratitude. Two phrases to think about to start assessing the reasons for your emotions and actions in life are: “Have you done everything you have agreed to do?” and “Don’t encroach on others or their Property”.

Everybody has the tools to live a happy and healthy life, but not everyone wants to put the work in. Ultimately if you care enough about anything you can find an array of creative ways to get what you need and dream of. However, you may have to be open to the outcome, and take every lesson for the growth opportunities they are.